Scripture Pillowcases - English - "Parents"
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Scripture Pillowcases - English - "Parents"
"Ouer wees is 'n groot verantwoordelikheid. U is verantwoordelik om 'n individu tot volwassenheid te verhoog met die doel om hom of haar 'n waardevolle lid van die gemeenskap te maak. Hierdie onderneming vereis sorg, liefde, begrip en die vermoë om die kinders op die regte pad te hou."
Being a parent is a major responsibility. You are in charge of raising an individual to the point of adulthood with the goal of turning him or her into a valuable member of the community. This undertaking requires care, love, understanding and the ability to keep the children on the right path.
- White
- Teal
- Orchid Pink
- Grey - NZ$27.00
- Cool Blue - NZ$27.00
- Granite - NZ$27.00
Scripture Pillowcases - English - "Parents"
"Can I purchase instore?" - Yes you can. We hold stock in a warehouse, but you are more than welcome to come and visit us and purchase while instore.
Address: 728a Beach Road, Browns Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturdays 10:00 - 15:00
Sundays 10:00 - 14:00