How many South Africans are there in New Zealand?

How many South Africans are there in New Zealand?

South Africans are some of the most highly sought-after immigrants in the world. Countries like New Zealand are constantly seeking to bring in more skilled and talented South Africans to help boost their economies. But how many South African immigrants are there in New Zealand? And what kind of impact have they had on the country?

South African immigrants have had a significant impact on New Zealand. According to Statistics New Zealand, there are currently around 68,000 South African-born people living in the country. This is an increase of nearly 20,000 since 2001! The majority of South African immigrants are between the ages of 25 and 54, and most of them arrived in New Zealand between 2001 and 2006. The majority of South African immigrants are highly skilled and educated, with nearly 60% having a tertiary qualification. This is higher than the overall New Zealand population, which has a tertiary qualification rate of just over 40%.

South African immigrants have made a positive impact on the New Zealand economy. They are more likely to be employed than the overall New Zealand population, and they are also more likely to be in high-paying jobs. In fact, South African immigrants are the second highest-earning immigrant group in New Zealand! They have also started their own businesses at a higher rate than other immigrant groups. All of this has helped to contribute to New Zealand's strong economy.

So, there you have it! South African immigrants have had a significant impact on New Zealand, both in terms of numbers and economic contributions. If you're thinking of immigrating from South Africa, be sure to add New Zealand to your list of potential destinations!

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